Now, here it is! お待たせしました。

Flexible Upload now works with Wordpress 2.5. I have chosen not to use the Flash upload (although it is nice to upload multiple files at once), because several people reported they didn’t like it, and because I didn’t find a proper way to pass image resizing options before the upload starts. So the plugin is a bit old-fashioned regarding the upload part, but I hope it answers the many requests not to change it. On the other hand, for the “Insert to Post” part, I have chosen to follow WP (including Ajax), because I didn’t find it too slow and I found it easy to integrate Flexible Upload features into it.

I’d like to thank the many people who contributed in a way or another to this release, even by simply posting an encouraging comment on the forum or on the plugin page, because I wouldn’t have done it if the request hadn’t been so strong.

Hope you enjoy it. Please continue to report bugs, problems, or feature requests (preferably on the forum, because it is easier to track).

Happy Blogging, on the best publishing platform ever!